Volume II

We went back out to
the hotel's beach area, and I sat on the catamaran there. I was
all into getting naked, so I had my bikini bottom slipped to the side,
to expose my private parts to the world! Well not really, just to
the camera. Don't want to get arrested or kicked out of the hotel
now, its only my 3rd day here. Its a pretty long photoshoot, and I
took a few more in the sand. Going back indoors there are still
photos of my boobs getting soaked by the shower.

After getting all
sand I went back to my room and took a shower. Guys want to see
more more more shower scenes well I have lots now! (And I'm sure
more to come). My nipples are really hard the whole time. I
went to the shower with my shoes on, and washed my feet. My feet
do look pretty, right? I did some nipple-hardening water stuff
too. After I dried myself up, I fixed my air, and put on a sexy
pair of white pants, black shirt and sexy black heels. Time to go
out for dinner! From rowdy beach girl to dressy hot girl in 15
minutes! The last bit is me sleeping with the TV on, I look cute
when I'm sleeping, don't I? Some say I'm huggable and....